5th Biennial RAMICS

International Congress in Japan




第5 回貨幣革新・地域補完通貨国際会議飛騨高山大会組織委員会委員長 西部忠

貨幣革新・地域補完通貨国際会議(RAMICS) とは、地域通貨や仮想通貨等のここ数十年間に新たに登場してきた民間通貨制度とその経済社会的な意義と影響、また、これらの基盤となるICTのための技術応用イノベーションに関する国際研究者会議であり、隔年で開催されています。これまでフランス・リヨン(2011 年)、オランダ・ハーグ(2013 年)、ブラジル・サルバドール(2015 年)、スペイン・バルセロナ(2017年)といずれも欧米諸国で開催されており、日本開催の第5 回大会はアジア初です。

日本では、1990 年代末頃から地域通貨の実践や研究が活発に行われてきましたし、仮想通貨もここ数年急速に知名度を上げ、民間部門がその応用に取り組んできました。いま地域通貨の理念と仮想通貨の技術が融合する新たな動きが広がっています。最近、FacebookがLibra というグローカルなデジタルコミュニティ通貨を導入する発表しましたが、それもこのような動きの一環です。

今回、RAMICS2019 の開催地が飛騨高山に決まったのは、そうしたダイナミックな貨幣進化を象徴するデジタル地域通貨の先駆けである「さるぼぼコイン」と、環境保全のために間伐材伐採ポランティアを支援する木製地域通貨「エネポ」がこの地で活発な活動を続けているからです。


本国際会議は5 日間にわたり二種類の会議を開催するという他に例を見ないユニークなものです。前半2 日(9 月11 、12 日)は大学・民間研究者が研究報告やシンポジウムを行う学術会議、後半2 日(9 月14、15 日)は地方自治体、民間企業、NPO 等が事例報告、パネル報告、ディスカッション、セミナー、ハッカソン、地域通貨マーケット等の広範なイベントを行うコンベンション的実践者会議、その間の3 日目(9月13 日)に、さるぼぼコインやエネポの視察ツアーが予定されています。より多くの方に積極的なご参加いただけることを期待しています。


最後になりましたが、昨年4 月の組織委員会の立ち上げ以来、全国の大学関係者や現地高山の諸団体関係者の方々に組織委員会に参加していただき、RAMICS2019 の大会準備に向けて大いにご尽力いただきましたこと、委員長として大変感謝しています。どうもありがとうございました。

Research Association on Monetary Innovation and Community and Complementary Currency Systems (RAMICS) is a biennial international congress of researchers on the newly emerging private currency systems during the past few decades, such as community currencies and cryptocurrencies, and their socioeconomic significance and impacts, as well as the technological innovations for ICT that form the basis for such systems. All the previous congresses have so far been held in European and American countries such as Lyon, France (2011), The Hague, The Netherlands (2013), Salvador da Bahia, Brazil (2015) andBarcelona, Spain (2017). 5th congress held in Japan is the first in Asia.
 In Japan, the practice and research of community currencies have been active since the late 1990s, and cryptocurrencies have gained

recognition rapidly in recent years, and the private sector has been positively working on their applications. There is now a new ongoing trend in which the vision of community currencies and the technology of cryptocurrencies are being integrated.

Facebook’s recent announcement of Libra、a glocal digital community currency, is part of this trend.The venue for RAMICS 2019 was chosen to be Hida-Takayama because the pioneering digital local currency “Sarubobo coin”, which symbolizes the dynamic evolution of money, and the wooden local currency “Enepo”、which supports volunteers who felled lumber from tree thinning,

continue to be active there. The main theme of this congress is to estimate the possibility of digitization of currencies, particularly digital communiュty currencies from various viewpoints. Hlda-Takayama, where both digital and analog cases coexist, was considered the perfect place to discuss this topic This intemational congress is very unique in that it holds two types of conferences over five days. The first 2 days (September 11, 12) is the academic conference in which university and private researchers will report their research and hold symposiums. The last 2 days (Sep 14, 15) is the practitioner conference (convention) in which local governments, private companies, NPOs, etc. will hold a wide range of events such as case reports, panel reports, discussions、seminars, hackathons, local currency markets, etc. On the 3rd day (September 13), a tour to inspect Sarubocoin and Enepo is scheduled. We look forward to the active participation of as many people as possible.

Japan Association for Evolutionary Economics join1Jy hosts the conference. Senshu University Digital Community Currency Consortium Laboratory (Good Money Lab), Hida Credit Union and NPO Bioenergy Academy are in cooperation with us. Takayama City, Hida City, Shirakawa Village、Gero City, Takayama Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and Hida Takayama Tourist Convention Center are our supporters. We would like to express our gratitude to these organizations and all those involved for financial and other forms of support and cooperation they have provided us.

Last but not least, since the establishment of the organizing committee in April last year, volunteers from universities in many places in Japan and organizations in Hida-Takayama have participated in the organizing committee. As the general chair ofthe committee, Iw ould like to express mys incere appreciation for their great efforts in preparing for RAMICS2019. Thank you very much.

Our Archive

RAMICS2019 DAY1 Digest

RAMICS2019 Day1 Session 2A

Xebax Christy, Dante Edme-Sanjuro, Mathilde Fois-Duclerc, Yannick Lung, Francois Mimiague, Julien Milanesi, Fabienne Pines, Nicolas Piriou and Txomin Poveda.

The impact of digitization on the trajectory of a local currency: The Eusko in the French Basque Country

Fabienne Pinos.

How could blockchain be a key resource in the value creation process of a local
currency? A case study centered on Eusko.
Geraid Wheatley, Jaume Catarineu, Mark Anielski, Sierra Love, and Byra Danaa.

Catalan and Canadian Digital Municipal Currencies: Framework and Measurement for Participants, Stakeholders, Local Business and Vulnerable Citizens

RAMICS2019 Day1 Session 2B

August Corrons Gimenez.

Structural equation modellling to analyse digital currencies adoption

RAMICS2019 Day1 Session 3A

Chikako Nakayama and Manabu Kuwata.
An Investigation of social and credit theory of money focusing on regional and crypto currencies
Kiminori Hayashi.
Reconsideration of the meaning of regional currency -Case of Chiemgauer-
Mayumi Dan and Kayo Okabe.
Utilizing Regional Currency as an Educational Tool for Community-Building

RAMICS2019 Day1 Session 3B

Maen Alaraj and Makoto Nishibe.
Stimulate Currency Circulation in the Currency Community by Creating a Customized Community
​Makoto Nishibe.
Light-Color Money: Three-dimensional Digital Money That Can Express Uniqueness and Diversity of Value Beyond LETS

RAMICS2019 Day1 Session 4A

Christian Gelleri.
Democratizing Money-Chiemgauer Community Currency as a collectiv designed money
Heinz Hafner, Stephan Ossanna and Chikako Nakayama.
Designing Currency Systems in a Digital Era

RAMICS2019 DAY2 Digest

RAMICS2019 Day2 Session 5A

Peter Brass.
profit and utility-approach of a local monetary scheme for a utility oriented society
Alexander Zatko.
Toward Merit economy

Rolf Schroeder.
‘Monetarism’and’ Currencies’ for an Alternative Economy’: The cornerstones of complementary currency research

RAMICS2019 Day2 Session 5B

Yuji Aruka.
The rise of smart contract and its complex impacts on the digital ecosystem
Vincenzo Giorgino.
A Life-centered perspective for a wise commons-based ecosystem.



RAMICS2019 Day2 Session 6B

Ricardo Orzi, Sebastian Valdecantos and Raphael Porcherot.
Cryptocurrencies for social change.The experience of Moneda PAR in Argentina.

Nicolas Laurence.
Are cryptocurrencies a new type of money? Reconsidering blockchain-based currencies througha typology of money.

Gabriella Gimigliano and Valentino Cattelan.
Digital complementary currencies: are they sustainable? Limit to growthi and the cegotiability of money in Europe

RAMICS2019 Day2 Session 7B

Leanne Ussher and Chris Hewitt.
Network Analysis of the Hudson Valley Current
Oriane Lafuente-Sampietro.
Local complementary currencies and the local multiplier, a network analysis approach on the case of the SoNantes

Ester Barinaga, Will Ruddick and Maria Jos もZapata Campos.

Community currencies for informal settlements: Malleable grassroots infrastructures for the interstices

RAMICS2019 DAY4 Digest

The possiblity of money to encourage circulation of appreciation and enrich local community

Makoto Gouda (Nippon Biodiesel Fuel Co., Ltd. CEO)

地域を豊かにして、一緒に豊かになる~DFC: Digital Farmers Cooperative


The possiblity of money to encourage circulation of appreciation and enrich local community

Tomoaki Kageyama (Kurumido Coffee owner)

Those who THANK Nurse Those who GIVE ~community currency “BUNJI” at Kokubunji-city, Tokyo~

"The Keys to Sustainability of Long-lived Local Currencies inJapan”

①「The subject of the community currency and the future prospect〜Thinking back to the practice of community currency” Mito”for18-years.~」






RAMICS2019 DAY5 Digest

"Attempts to revitalize local economy and community by digital community currencies"

①「過疎地域のコミュニティ活性化・次世代交通・エネルギー問題解決に向けた新たな取組みISOU PROJECT (仮称)

報告者:坪井大輔(株式会社lndetail 代表取締役)




報告者:平沢義孝(NPO 法人こば事務局長)

"Many Cases of Digital Community Cu 『rencies"





「セキュリティトークン(STO) による地域活性化」

報告者:林篤志(Commons CEO) 、河崎純真(Commons CTO)

「ゼミ内地域通貨Pen-D の試み」



"Sha 『ing the Common Platform of Digital Community Currency"​





③「都会と地域を結ぶ地域通貨eumo による「共感資本」社会形成」

報告者:新井和宏(株式会社eumo 代表取締役)

